Medical Beauty Treatment in Maspalomas
Medical Beauty
The Medical Beauty Concept – the treatment method of the future
The combination of synergetic dermaceutical products and innovative device system. From purity by way of the best skin regeneration to active age repair.
The Medical Beauty Concept for sensational skin improvement in cases of
- deep wrinkles
- acne and inflammation
- sun-damaged skin
- scars and weals
1 Treatment system
5 Treatment functions
15 different treatments
What is special about bdr and for whom is this treatment suitable?
With the future-oriented method Beauty Defect Repair, visible and traceable improvements to the skin can be achieved immediately. The treatment successes are based on the gentle and intensive bdr micro-stimulation, dermabrasion, light therapy, and massage technology (such as manual lymph drainage).
Up to 60,000 micro follicles are created with the patented bdr micro-technology. Exclusively single-use applicators minimise the risk of infection. A firmly defined penetration depth guarantees a safe and even micro-stimulation. A sustainable effect is guaranteed and thus the special success by means of the direct insertion of the specific serums.
All ingredients are suitable for both allergic and/or sensitive skin.
eMask „Good Vibes“
Stress and strain from inside and out will cause facial muscles to become increasingly tense. This tension can lead to permanent lines and wrinkles. With advancing age, our skin’s metabolic process subsides and communication between cells decline. An increased toxin accumulation will create a pale and gray complexion.
With a fresh and luminous appearance, the "Good Vibes" eMask elates the skin! This treatment supports the metabolic process and releases unwanted toxins from the tissue, providing an overall sense of long lasting wellbeing.
eMask - Ray of Light LED mask
The new electronic mask ("eMask") „Ray of Light“ is generated by multiple LEDs. It's relaxing heat gently opens pores and excels the absorption of bdr dermaceuticals. Stressed and irritated skin becomes calmed and soothed. The skin is reactivated with improved blood circulation. A refreshed complexion instantly appears brighter and even. The special wavelength of the LED diodes stimulates the fibroblasts. By activating the collagen production, skin elasticity and firmness will improve and darkened areas of the skin are lightened.
Profipeel handpiece
Profipeel S/M for dermabrasion and reactivation of the fibroblast function for skin refining and in cases of pigmentation disorder.
Perforation XS
The intensive treatment for a local and punctual skin regeneration and partial tissue tightening. Can be used to reduce wrinkles and improve scars (except keloidal scars).
XL handpiece
The technology consists of a stimulation cushion, with which the upper layer of the epidermis is opened in a pleasant manner. The micro-opening reduces the diffusion barrier of the skin surface. Highly concentrated bdr active ingredients can penetrate more easily, quickly and in greater amounts into the epidermis.
The following skin functions become activated:
- Stimulation of the micro-circulation by means of mechanical stimulation of the skin receptors
- Reactivation of all skin functions
- Stimulation of the skin’s own repair system
- Skin regeneration by means of improved cell distribution
- Stimulation of the collagen and elastin production
Treatments and Prices
bdr Caliming Light treatment | 60 min | 60 € |
bdr Akne treatment A | 80 min | 80 € |
bdr Akne treatment B | 45 min | 45 € |
bdr Akne treatment C | 20 min | 25 € |
bdr freshness boost | 45 min | 55 € |
bdr radianting moments eyes | 30 min | 29 € |
bdr correction treatment | 45 min | 55 € |
bdr fruit acid treatment | 30/ 45 min | 49 € |
bdr Stimulation traetment | 90 min | 90 € |
bdr Age-controling treatment | 120 min | 120 € |
bdr pampering treatment | 90 min | 85 € |
bdr vital power treatment | 60 min | 59 € |
bdr anti-wrinkle treatment | 45 min | 79 € |
bdr Shortbreak for men | 45 min | 69 € |
bdr Dynamic man | 90 min | 95 € |
Convince yourself of the effectiveness of this revolutionary beauty method and contact us for a free and no obligation consultation
Your Profi Estetic team in Maspalomas